This is part of the bias module

Defines a wall for the value of one or more collective variables, which limits the region of the phase space accessible during the simulation.

The restraining potential starts acting on the system when the value of the CV is greater (in the case of UPPER_WALLS) or lower (in the case of LOWER_WALLS) than a certain limit \(a_i\) (AT) minus an offset \(o_i\) (OFFSET). The expression for the bias due to the wall is given by:

\( \sum_i {k_i}((x_i-a_i+o_i)/s_i)^e_i \)

\(k_i\) (KAPPA) is an energy constant in internal unit of the code, \(s_i\) (EPS) a rescaling factor and \(e_i\) (EXP) the exponent determining the power law. By default: EXP = 2, EPS = 1.0, OFFSET = 0.


The following input tells plumed to add both a lower and an upper walls on the distance between atoms 3 and 5 and the distance between atoms 2 and 4. The lower and upper limits are defined at different values. The strength of the walls is the same for the four cases. It also tells plumed to print the energy of the walls.

Click on the labels of the actions for more information on what each action computes
tested on master