This is part of the isdb module

Bayesian single-structure and ensemble refinement with cryo-EM maps.

This action implements the Bayesian approach for single-structure and ensemble refinement from cryo-EM maps introduced here. EMMIVox does not require fitting the cryo-EM map with a Gaussian Mixture Model, as done in EMMI, but uses directly the voxels in the deposited map.

When run in single-replica mode, this action allows atomistic, flexible refinement (and B-factors inference) of an individual structure into a density map. A coarse-grained forward model can also be used in combination with the MARTINI force field. Combined with a multi-replica framework (such as the -multi option in GROMACS), the user can model an ensemble of structures using the Metainference approach [21] . The approach can be used to model continous dynamics of flexible regions as well as semi-ordered waters, lipids, and ions.

To use EMMIVOX, PLUMED must be linked against the LibTorch library as described here

Complete tutorials for single-structure and ensemble refinement can be found here.

Glossary of keywords and components
Description of components

By default this Action calculates the following quantities. These quantities can be referenced elsewhere in the input by using this Action's label followed by a dot and the name of the quantity required from the list below.

Quantity Description
scoreb Bayesian score
scale scale factor
offset offset
accB Bfactor MC acceptance
kbt temperature in energy unit

In addition the following quantities can be calculated by employing the keywords listed below

Quantity Keyword Description
corr CORRELATION correlation coefficient
The atoms involved can be specified using
ATOMS atoms used in the calculation of the density map, typically all heavy atoms. For more information on how to specify lists of atoms see Groups and Virtual Atoms
Compulsory keywords
DATA_FILE file with cryo-EM map
RESOLUTION cryo-EM map resolution
NORM_DENSITY integral of experimental density
WRITE_STRIDE stride for writing status file
NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVES ( default=off ) calculate the derivatives for these quantities numerically
NOPBC ( default=off ) ignore the periodic boundary conditions when calculating distances
NO_AVER ( default=off ) no ensemble averaging in multi-replica mode
CORRELATION ( default=off ) calculate correlation coefficient
GPU ( default=off ) calculate EMMIVOX on GPU with Libtorch
BFACT_NOCHAIN ( default=off ) Do not use chain ID for Bfactor MC
BFACT_READ ( default=off ) Read Bfactor on RESTART (automatic with DBFACT>0)
BFACT_MINIMIZE ( default=off ) Accept only moves that decrease energy

( default=off ) Use Martini scattering factors

NL_DIST_CUTOFF neighbor list distance cutoff
NL_GAUSS_CUTOFF neighbor list Gaussian sigma cutoff
NL_STRIDE neighbor list update frequency
SIGMA_MIN minimum density error
DBFACT Bfactor MC step
BFACT_MAX Bfactor maximum value
MCBFACT_STRIDE Bfactor MC stride
BFACT_SIGMA Bfactor sigma prior
STATUS_FILE write a file with all the data useful for restart
SCALE scale factor
OFFSET offset
TEMP temperature
WRITE_MAP file with model density
WRITE_MAP_STRIDE stride for writing model density to file