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Calculate the RMSD with respect to a reference structure.

To calculate the root-mean-square deviation between the atoms in two configurations you must first superimpose the two structures in some ways. Obviously, it is the internal vibrational motions of the structure - i.e. not the translations and rotations - that are interesting. It is possible to align two structures (i.e. remove the translational and rotational motions of the system). In general the aim of this colvar is to calculate something like:

\[ d(X,X_r) = \vert X-X' \vert \]

where \( X \) is the molecular dynamics snapshot and \( X' \) is a reference structure you provide as input. Here the symbols \( \vert \dots \vert \) represent some sort of norm of choice that is selected through the OPTIMAL switch (see below for examples).

Here we discuss the switch we implemented so far.

Compulsory keywords
REFERENCE a file in pdb format containing the reference structure and the atoms involved in the CV.
TYPE ( default=SIMPLE ) the manner in which RMSD alignment is performed. Should be OPTIMAL or SIMPLE.
NUMERICAL_DERIVATIVES ( default=off ) calculate the derivatives for these quantities numerically
NOPBC ( default=off ) ignore the periodic boundary conditions when calculating distances

( default=off ) This should be setted if you want MSD instead of RMSD


The following tells plumed to calculate the RMSD distance between the positions of the atoms in the reference file and their instantaneous position. The Kearseley algorithm is used so this is done optimally.

